Digital Marketing Essentials Starting at $399 per month!


Digital Marketing Essentials Starting at $399 per month!


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Did you know? Businesses often spend over $5,000 on SEO alone. Online search is just the beginning of internet marketing. Social media, review websites, online video, and massive changes in consumer behavior have made the digital marketing landscape both a challenge and an opportunity for the average business.
search engine optimization

Your awesome website is one thing. 

Attracting the right visitors and generating a steady flow of qualified leads is something else. The key to that is rankings. There are hundreds of elements that contribute to organic search engine rankings. Google uses the term signals, and we work very hard to address all of them. Search engines are very secretive, so we do a lot of testing to understand what ranking factors will have the greatest impact given your unique competitive environment. We utilize a suite of the most state-of-the-art tools available, and we study SEO with the passion and curiosity of a scientist.
search engine optimization
Month after month, we’ll work through the mountains of data we accumulate and compare your website’s search engine performance to your competitors. We also keep on top of what’s happening with search engines themselves. Algorithms change, competitor’s tactics change. Everything changes, but we’re always on hand, ready to respond with adjustments to keep you at the top of the rankings.

SEO is more than just rankings

If you search for just about anything using Google, you’ll return a lot more than relevant websites. Loosely, we think of the SERP (search engine results page) as being made up of organic rankings–those that Google discovers by crawling pages–and paid results, which are the ads at the top and bottom of the page. Our digital essentials plan deals with organic rankings (We offer paid search management as an add-on service.).

Organic search engine rankings are often thought os as “free” rankings, which is fundamentally true, but the competitive nature of “search” makes things complicated. Also, if you look at the SERP, there’s a lot more there than a mix of organic results and paid ads.
rich results

Rich Results

Search engines often display video results, products, images, star ratings, featured snippets, “people also ask”, FAQs and a couple dozen other SERP “features.” Getting your website or a page from your website featured as a rich result is powerful because it increases both visibility and credibility.

Like organic rankings, rich results, or SERP features are also “free.” However, unlike organic rankings, Google rarely adds and online resource (webpage, article, product, rating, etc.) as a rich result on its own. These are typically driven by including coding elements called schema markup, or microdata.

Working with schema is much more technical than what we usually think of as onsite SEO. What’s important for you, the business owner, is that we take great care to strategically program schema markup for every page on your website. In some cases, we will write pages or posts specifically for an opportunity to earn SERP features.
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