Digital Marketing Essentials Starting at $399 per month!


Digital Marketing Essentials Starting at $399 per month!


Social Media Marketing

Next to having a website, social media is an essential marketing beachhead. Your customers expect you to be social. They’ll share your story, ask questions and even amplify your message if you engage on a personal level through social media. We like to say, “don’t do social—be social.” It’s a nice idea that, like most nice ideas, takes time—and a personality. Most business owners have one.
social media marketing

It’s not unusual for a business’ social media efforts to be set aside for other urgent needs.

In business, daily operations have to come first. Your customers won’t wait while you research influencers or dream up that next witty meme. When you’re busy running a business, social media can feel like more of burden than an opportunity.

We’ll handle it for you. It is our job to make time for social media, and we make a pretty good stand in for your glowing personality. Together, we’ll decide which social media channels are most important to your customers and your industry.

Your social media posts will be purposeful, engaging and designed to resonate with your most important target consumer groups.

Included Social Media

Most of our digital marketing essentials plans include posts to social media channels, usually weekly. Ocassionally, we may add extra social media posts when highlighting news about your company or notable events like holiday hours or a special promotion.

Our goal is to make you as visible as possible within your target audiences, so our preference is to post as often as reasonably possible. The more information you can supply us, the better we’ll be able to engage throughout all the social media channels.

We take all the information you provide and use it to create images and messages that look great and are compelling and easily shared.
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social media marketing

Available Video Marketing

We encourage every client to produce videos for us to help you distribute. Relatively few of your competitors are likely to use video to promote their business. This often means you’ll have YouTube and other video channels to yourself when marketing to your consumer base.

Video production is not included in our digital essentials plan, but we will happily provide a quote to edit and format short videos you provide for distribution to your social media channels. Creating compelling YouTube and social media videos can be as simple as using your iPhone or other device to record a description of your products or services, introduce staff or create a walk-through of your business. We’ll edit your footage to look and sound as good as possible, adding a music bed and logo title screens and links to your website or other social media.

If you would like us to shoot and produce videos, we are happy to discuss your options any time.
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